Showing 1–20 of 30 courses
Adolescent Suicide 1 credit
Understanding Unique Risks and Opportunities for Trauma Centers to Recognize, Intervene, and Prevent a Leading Cause of Death
No Cost Materials
Prevention and Treatment of Anxiety Depression and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among College Students 3.25 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Reasons for Suicide in Black Young Adults 1.5 credits
A Latent Class Analysis
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Suicide and Gambling Disorder 1.5 credits
Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention 20 credits
Fourth Edition
Material Cost $62
Attempted Suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: 1.5 credits
A Systematic Review of Research on Protective Factors
No Cost Materials
Suicide Interventions for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: A Systematic Review of Outcomes 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Minority Stress Distress and Suicide Attempts 1.5 credits
Three Cohorts of Sexual Minority Adults: a U.S. Probability Sample
No Cost Materials
Brief Online Interventions for LGBTQ Young Adult Mental and Behavioral Health 1.5 credits
A Randomized Controlled Trial in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context
No Cost Materials
Effective Brief Interventions for American Indian Youth At Risk for Suicide 1 credit
Evaluating the Impact with a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART)
No Cost Materials
The Qasgiq Model As an Indigenous Intervention: 1 credit
Using the Cultural Logic of Context to Build Protective Factors for Alaska Native Suicide and Alcohol Misuse Prevention
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Material Cost $38
No Cost Materials
Showing 1–20 of 30 courses