What Constitutes Effective Problematic Substance Use Treatment from the Perspective of People Who Are Homeless? 2 credits
A Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnography
This article presents an in-depth exploration of substance use treatment for individuals experiencing homelessness, highlighting the complex interplay between addiction, mental health, and the lack of stable housing. It reviews...
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Substance Use in Pregnancy: 1.5 credits
Identifying Stigma and Improving Care
The article addresses the pervasive stigma faced by pregnant individuals who use substances, highlighting its detrimental impact on their care and outcomes. It explores how stigma, particularly among marginalized groups,...
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Profiles of Confidence and Commitment to Change As Predictors of Moderated Drinking: A Person-centered Approach 1.75 credits
This course is research intensive. This course examines confidence and commitment to change as predictors of moderated drinking. It includes: motivation and self-efficacy as profile factors, daily diary, ecological momentary...
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