Showing 141–160 of 398 courses
Shame Resilience in Addiction Treatment 1.5 credits
CBT and Relapse Prevention 1.5 credits
Interventions to Reduce Opioid Use in Youth At-risk and in Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: 1.25 credits
A Scoping Review
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
The Shame Spiral of Addiction 1 credit
Negative Self- Conscious Emotion and Substance Use
No Cost Materials
MI and American Indian and Alaskan Native Clients 1.75 credits
No Cost Materials
Recovery-focused Mental Health Care Planning and Co-ordination in Acute Inpatient Mental Health Settings 1.75 credits
A Cross National Comparative Mixed Methods Study
No Cost Materials
Are Relaxation Techniques Effective As An Active Ingredient in the Treatment of Adolescents 1.25 credits
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Responsible Gambling Pop-Up Messages and Gambling Behaviors and Cognitions 1.5 credits
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
No Cost Materials
Improving the Mental Health of Women Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: 1.5 credits
Findings from a Realist Review of Psychsocial Interventions
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
School-based Indigenous Substance Use Prevention in Preteens (7–13 Years) 1.5 credits
A Scoping Review
No Cost Materials
DBT Distress Tolerance Skills Workshop 2 credits
No Cost Materials
DBT Core Mindfulness Skills Workshop 2 credits
DBT Emotion Regulation Skills Workshop 2 credits
Ethics and Prize-based Contingency Management 1.5 credits
No Cost Materials
Showing 141–160 of 398 courses