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Addressing Social Isolation: Identifying High-Risk Individuals and Effective Interventions for Mental Health Professionals

About the Course

Social isolation and loneliness have been recognized challenges in recent decades. However, the COVID-19 pandemic augmented these challenges and provided a stark wakeup call for professionals, families, and individuals at risk for isolation and marginalization in mainstream society. There is a need to provide innovative opportunities to promote a sense of belonging and community across all age cohorts, from children to older adults. Using an empirical framework, this course will provide a look at who is at risk for loneliness, the signs of loneliness, and effective ways to reduce social isolation and loneliness while promoting overall mental and physical health outcomes for clients and consumers.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Addressing Social Isolation: Identifying High-Risk Individuals and Effective Interventions for Mental Health Professionals created by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW in 2024.

Publication Date

First Mar 2024

Course Material Authors

Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW

Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D., LMSW, course creator

Dr. Christina Marsack-Topolewski is an associate professor of Social Work in the College of Health and Human Services at Eastern Michigan University. Dr. Marsack-Topolewski received her PhD in Social Work with a dual title in Gerontology from Wayne State University. She has worked with individuals with various intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) predominantly in a school setting for over 15 years. Her research focuses on individuals with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities, their caregivers, advance care planning, the service delivery model, and service utilization. She has over 70 publications in national and international journals and encyclopedias, mainly focusing on individuals with IDDs, caregiving, as well as services and supports. In addition, she has presented her work locally, nationally, and internationally.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for intermediate and above levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Differentiate between social isolation and loneliness.
  2. Identify the signs and assess for loneliness.
  3. Recognize populations at risk for social isolation, exclusion, and loneliness.
  4. Summarize effective and creative ways to support clients and consumers to combat loneliness.


This course is available starting Apr 9th, 2024 and expires Apr 8th, 2034

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Categorized in:

Course Number 103470
3 CE credit hours
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $17.91
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Course Materials $30.00
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172 members have taken this course

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