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Best Practices in Ethics and Cultural Diversity Training: Patient Abandonment and Cultural Humility and Ohio Addiction Law

Meets ethics requirement for Ohio Gambling Endorsement

About the Course

Join Dr. Pamela Harmell, a nationally recognized lecturer, specializing in legal and ethical issues in clinical practice. Dr. Hamell’s first session addresses Patient Abandonment and will include when it is ethically appropriate to terminate the relationship with a client, even if the client objects, along with the four elements required for proper termination. This session will also cover how clinicians can protect themselves for claims of discrimination or abandonment when terminating a client. The second half of the session will address ethical aspects of cultural sensitivity in the current climate and will include how the DSM 5 addresses culture in diagnostic practices, along with how you use intersectionality in your clinical work.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Ethics & Cultural Diversity Training created by Pamela Harmell, PhD in 2021.

Publication Date

1st Edition May 2021

Course Material Author

Pamela Harmell, PhD, course creator

Dr. Pamela Harmell, Ph. D. is a national lecturer specializing in legal and ethical issues in clinical practice. She is a Professor at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology and has written extensively in professional publications on ethical practice and has formally studied law. She is the Past President of the Board of Psychology. Dr. Harmell is the former Chair of the California State Ethics Committee and former Chair of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association Ethics Committee. She served on the Board of Directors of the California Psychological Association and is Past President of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge, but is geared more towards an intermediate level.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the four elements of a proper termination.
  2. List three elements of a proper referral.
  3. Describe when it is ethically appropriate to terminate the relationship with a client even if the client objects.
  4. Describe the three pillars of cultural sensitivity.
  5. List the four ways cultural sensitivity impacts mental health.
  6. Describe the ways to practice cultural sensitivity in the work setting.


This course is available starting Jan 19th, 2024 and expires Dec 30th, 2036

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Course Number 103423
4 CE credit hours
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $23.88
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Course Materials $30.00
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39 members have taken this course

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