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How Trauma Related to Sex Trafficking Challenges Parenting

Insights from Mexican and Central American Survivors in the US

About the Course

Sex trafficking is a global issue that exacts a high price from survivors. An area that has had little attention is that of the effect of surviving sex trafficking on parenting. This article focuses on the challenges faces by women who become mothers after escaping sex trafficking. Keywords: Sex trafficking, PTSD, trauma, parenting.

This course is based on the reading-based online article, How Trauma Related to Sex Trafficking Challenges Parenting: Insights from Mexican and Central American Survivors in the US created by Marti Castaner, PhD, et al. in 2021.

Publication Date

PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252606 Jun 2021

Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Marti Castaner, PhD

Dr. Castaner is an Assistant professor in the Department of Public Health, Section of Health Research Services, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Her research is at the intersection of developmental and clinical psychology, public health, and implementation science. Her main research interest lies in understanding individual and family determinants of mental health and development of children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and the translation of these findings into effective community-based interventions to promote resilience and well-being among children and their families. Her work has been published in multiple peer reviewed journals.

Rachel Fowler

The Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City, New York, United States of America

Cassie Landers, PhD

Cassie Landers holds a Doctorate in Education, as well as a Master's in Public Health, both from Harvard University. Since 1985, Dr. Landers has worked with UNICEF and other international agencies to promote policies and programs in support of young children and their families. Over the past 20 years, she has provided technical assistance and support to child development programs in over 60 countries throughout Southern Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Her work has been published in mulltiple peer reviewed journals.

Course Creator

Barbara F. McMillan, LPC

Barbara McMillan, BA, MS, EdD, LPC has 35 years of experience as a therapist, clinical director, and administrator in mental health and substance abuse programs. She holds degrees in psychology and education, and has been a licensed professional counselor and supervising counselor for many years. After 18 years in various roles in private and public mental health settings, she became a full-time college psychology and sociology instructor.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the scope of sex trafficking in the US
  2. Enumerate the range of psychological consequences issues faced by survivors
  3. Discuss the relationship of trauma to difficulties experienced in parenting.


This course is available starting May 25th, 2022 and expires Jan 4th, 2031

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Course Number 103197
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  • Reading-Based Online
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