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Prevention of Gambling Among Youth: Increasing Knowledge and Modifying Attitudes Toward Gambling

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About the Course

Research shows that gambling is a popular activity among youth. The more young people become involved in these activities, the more likely they are to develop irrational thoughts and habits related to gambling. In this study, 273 students helped to test a video designed to (a) increase knowledge about gambling and (b) correct inaccurate knowledge. The effectiveness of the video was evaluated using two experimental conditions and one control condition.

This course is based on the reading-based online article, Prevention of Gambling Among Youth: Increasing Knowledge and Modifying Attitudes Toward Gambling created by Marie-Pier Lavoie et al


Journal of Gambling Issues

Publication Date

February 2004, Issue 10

Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Marie-Pier Lavoie

Marie-Pier Lavoie, MPs, is a psychologist and a doctoral student at Laval-University-Robert-Giffard Research Centre (Quebec City). During her studies in the department of psychology she gained expertise in such varied fields as gambling problems in youth, interventions with teenagers suffering from social phobias, and the effects of multiple sclerosis on patients and family. Her current thesis topic is in experimental medicine with research on the origin of seasonal affective disorder.

Robert Ladouceur

Robert Ladouceur, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Laval University in Quebec City. After his doctoral studies, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Temple University in Philadelphia. His work on gambling is esteemed internationally. His research and treatment model focuses on the cognitive variables involved in acquiring and maintaining gambling behaviors and on the cognitive distortions and erroneous perceptions underlying gambling problems. His research led to treatment strategies for problem gambling that target, challenge, and modify erroneous beliefs about chance and probabilities. He was invited twice to present his work to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, the U.S. presidential commission on gambling. In 1996, he received the Research Award from the National Council on Problem Gambling. In 2003, he was awarded the Senior Research Award from the National Center for Responsible Gambling.

Course Creator

Dan Rebek, Ph.D.

Recommended For

This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially addiction counselors, psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about prevention of gambling among youth. It is appropriate for all levels of participants' knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Discuss the prevalence of gambling among children under the age of 13 and possible causes for the behavior.
  2. Explain the methodology of the reported study including participants, experimental conditions, procedure, and instruments.
  3. Describe study results including any changes in attitudes and knowledge among the control and experimental groups.


This course is available starting Sep 9th, 2008 and expires Mar 29th, 2019

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Course Retired
Course Number 101458
  • 1 CE credit hour
  • NBCC: 0.5 CE credit hours

  • Reading-Based Online
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