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Approval in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Human Services CE Information

Applies To:

  • Wisconsin Peer Support Specialists
    • CPS
    • CPPS

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is one of the largest state agencies in Wisconsin, with an annual budget of roughly $15 billion and more than 6,700 employees. DHS is committed to protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin, making sure everyone can live their best life.

There are two types of certified peer specialists in Wisconsin.

  • Certified Peer Specialist: An individual with experience in the mental health and substance use services system trained to provide support to others struggling to find a path to recovery.
  • Certified Parent Peer Specialist: An individual with experience raising a child with behavioral health challenges trained to use their experience navigating services in support of other parents.

Initial Certification is awarded after successful completion of a training course and passage of an exam. Visit the Wisconsin Peer Specialist website for information on upcoming certified peer specialist and certified parent peer specialist trainings:

Recertification: CPS and CPPS must recertify every two years and document completion of no fewer than 20 hours of continuing education in specific topic areas.

For further information on the recertification process, contact:
Gaochi Vang Peer Specialist Program Manager

Board Contact Info

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
1 West Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53703
General Phone: 608-266-1865
TTY users please dial 711 or 800-947-3529 before calling DHS

Select the relevant credential above for detailed info.

Certified Peer Specialist

Initial Certification is awarded after successful completion of a training course and passage of an exam. Visit the Wisconsin Peer Specialist website for information on upcoming certified peer specialist and certified parent peer specialist trainings:


20 hours of continuing education are required every two years. A minimum of 1.5 hours is required in each of the following categories:

  1. Cultural Humility
  2. Ethics and Boundaries
  3. Substance Use Specific
  4. Mental Health Specific
  5. Trauma-Informed Care
  6. Peer Specialist Specific

Credential Renewal

20 CE credit hours required for renewal.

Yes You can use Addiction Counselor CE for renewing your CPS credential.

Addiction Counselor CE does not currently offer any courses applicable to this credential.

Certified Parent Peer Specialist

INITIAL: Initial Certification is awarded after successful completion of a training course and passage of an exam. Visit the Wisconsin Peer Specialist website for information on upcoming certified peer specialist and certified parent peer specialist trainings:


20 hours of continuing education are required every two years. A minimum of 3 hours is required in each of the following categories:

  1. Cultural Humility
  2. Ethics and Boundaries
  3. Parent Peer Specialist Specific
  4. Child/Adolescent Development or Parenting

Credential Renewal

20 CE credit hours required for renewal.

Yes You can use Addiction Counselor CE for renewing your CPPS credential.

Addiction Counselor CE does not currently offer any courses applicable to this credential.

View More Courses Currently 628 of our courses are available for Peer Support Specialists regulated by Wisconsin Department of Human Services. These are just a few examples!

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We do our best keep our information current, but rules and regulations sometimes change without notice. Please remember it is ultimately your own responsibility for interpreting your state's laws, board rules, course relevancy and all requirements for your state.

If you are aware of a change in your requirements that is not shown here, please let us know!

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